①④ Forums - A Visual Archive of America Online, Versions 1.1 - 3.0
 Sports (on AOL)
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Sports (on AOL)

Source: AOL (America Online)

Remember this? AOL's sports products and services kept users up on top of the latest sports scores -- some game scores were reported as the game was still in progress. Online interviews with sports personalities and a chance to brag or moan about a favorite team were available in the sports forums.

And for those who were not content with being spectators, there was the sports fantasy leagues where they could create and control their "own" team. (Source: CS Almanac) Here were some of its main areas:


Keywords: baseball, sports department, sports department basketball, sports department, boxing, sports department, golf, sports department, hockey, sports department tennis,

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This page presents an archive of the Sports area on AOL (America Online). Content includes screenshots, freely distributed software, chat logs, message board logs, and more.

Note that due to copyright issues and general inaccessibility, some content is not available.